

4/9開催 第51回 応用化学セミナーのお知らせ



  1. 「(Photo)chemistry of Organic Compounds at the Air-Ice Interface(大気-氷界面で特異的に起こる有機物の光化学反応)」
    Petr Klan教授(Department of Chemistry and RECETOX, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Masaryk University)

The ice/snow grain surface coverage by organic contaminants, in relation to their surface photochemical reactions, self-association, and diffusion, has been investigated. The studies have revealed that hydrophobic organic molecules can be located on the grain surface in associations rather than as isolated species even at very low concentrations. The results from investigations on chemistry and physics of ice surface contaminants using various study techniques, including fluorimetry or scanning electron microscopy, will be presented.

日時 4月9日(水)14:40〜15:40
場所 A6棟301A室
お問い合わせ 竹中 規訓(内線3370)